
Pedagogical Philosophy

Each and every student in our school community has a voice and is listened to. Their input and insight are welcomed openly and taken into account. Contrary to the conventional teacher-centred approach, our school academics rely on activity-based student-centred strategies, to empower our students to become independent learners. Along with this, we integrate technology into teaching for all subjects.

The classroom environment promotes self-worth and provides equal opportunities for all students to demonstrate their learning. This is facilitated by our flipped classroom approach, wherein, after accomplishing the preliminary task independently at home, the students come to school already prepared to get involved and play an active role in the classroom activities, while the teachers act as facilitators, motivating, guiding, and providing constructive feedback.

Our Science, technology, Arts, and Mathematics programmes are exceptional and hands-on.

Evaluation System And Reports

In this branch of LGS, formal examinations were dropped many years ago in favor of continuous assessment which is a far more comprehensive evaluation. However, its accuracy depends on the consistency and regularity of the students’ attendance. Therefore, students need to be assessed for at least 80% of the total marks assigned to a specific subject in order to be graded. At the end of the academic session, students also take a summative evaluation the purpose of which is to measure the learning skills and subject content that they need to have before joining the next class and the revision targets can be met. Several reports are issued during the academic year: the first term academic report and the parent teacher conference report are given out in the month of January and the final reports are issued in June.  The final report gives a complete picture of the student’s performance in the three domains of Academics, Sports and Co-curricular activities.